
Key Features of Flutter

  1. Single Codebase: Flutter allows developers to write the code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, web, and desktop. This significantly reduces development time and effort.

  2. Rich Widget Library: Flutter provides a comprehensive set of customizable widgets that allow for creating complex UIs with ease. These widgets follow Material Design guidelines, ensuring consistency and a modern look and feel.

  3. Hot Reload: One of Flutter's standout features is hot reload, which allows developers to see changes in the code instantly reflected in the app without restarting it. This speeds up the development process and makes it easier to experiment with UI changes.

  4. High Performance: Flutter applications are compiled to native machine code using Dart language, which ensures high performance and smooth animations. Flutter’s rendering engine, Skia, allows for 60fps performance.

  5. Dart Language: Flutter uses Dart, an object-oriented, class-based programming language with garbage collection. Dart is easy to learn for those familiar with languages like JavaScript or Java.

  6. Community and Support: Flutter has a large and active community, offering a wealth of resources, plugins, and packages that can be leveraged to extend app functionality.

Course Content

14 sections • 14 lectures
Introduction to Dart Programming Language
5 lecture • 6 Hour
Variables, Data Types in Dart, Manipulate Strings , Working with Map and List
DateTime Parsing, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Functions in Dart, Control Flow, If and Else
Loop, Switch Case
Null Safety in Dart, Ternary Operator Mixin, Extend, Stream, Future, and Interfaces
Introduction to Widgets
5 lecture • 4 Hour
Flutter basics and project structure, Stateless vs Stateful widgets
Common widgets: Text, Container, Image, Icons, Gestures related widgets
Layout widgets: Row, Column, Stack, Input widgets: TextField, Button, Checkbox
State Management with Sestate(), Working with Flutter - Pubspec. yaml
Building a simple Flutter app
Navigation and Routing
4 lecture • 4 Hour
Navigator and routes
Imperative navigation (Flutter 1.0)
Declarative navigation (Flutter 2.0)
Passing data between widgets in flutter
Forms and Validation with Flutter
5 lecture • 4 Hour
Form validation
Managing form state
Custom form field widgets
Advanced form validation
Handling form submission
4 lecture • 5 Hour
Making HTTP requests with the http,dio package
Creating Model class and Parsing a JSON object
Displaying fetched data in the UI
Handling errors and loading states
Local Storage
2 lecture • 3 Hour
Using SharedPreferences for simple data storage
Using SQLite for persistent storage
Git and GitHub
4 lecture • 3 Hour
Introduction to Git and version control
Branching and merging
Pull requests and code reviews
Advanced Git: Rebasing, stashing, and tags
Other Useful External Packages
3 lecture • 4 Hour
Using external packages from
Integrating packages
State management with riverpod
Responsive UI
4 lecture • 5 Hour
Introduction to responsive design
MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder
Adaptive UI for different screen sizes
Flutter Animation
3 lecture • 4 Hour
Basic animations with AnimatedContainer and AnimatedOpacity
AnimationController and Tween
Implicit and Explicit Animation
State Management with Riverpod
3 lecture • 4 Hour
Introduction to Riverpod
Providers and consumers
Advanced state management with Riverpod
3 lecture • 3 Hour
Overview of app architecture
Clean architecture principles
Structuring a large Flutter app
3 lecture • 4 Hour
Defining project requirements
Setting up project structure
Final project review and feedback
App Publishing to Playstore
3 lecture • 2 Hour
Preparing the app for release
Signing the app
Publishing to Google Play Store and Apple App Store


Suren Yogi

Senior App Developer

Instructor Rating
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1 Students
1 Course
As a highly motivated and skilled software development professional with nearly two year of experience, I am deeply committed to delivering engaging and user-friendly mobile applications that meet the needs of clients and end-users. With a focus on creating intuitive and enjoyable applications, I am dedicated to providing solutions that offer a seamless experience, exceeding expectations and ensuring satisfaction for all stakeholders. My expertise includes developing cross-platform applications for Android and iOS using Flutter, as well as utilizing a variety of tools such as Figma, SQL databases, and Firebase to enhance the development process. I am adept at working in Agile environments, with a collaborative approach and strong communication skills that enable me to deliver high-quality projects on time. I am continuously seeking to expand my knowledge and skills in mobile application development, staying up-to-date with emerging trends and best practices. In addition, I have a good knowledge of SOLID principles and strive to incorporate them into my development process to ensure that the resulting applications are scalable, maintainable, and easy to modify. My passion for creating innovative solutions is matched by my personal interest in keeping up with the latest advancements in technology, which enables me to bring a unique perspective to every project. Overall, my passion for mobile application development, combined with my experience, expertise, and dedication to staying at the forefront of the industry, make me a valuable asset to any team or organization in need of top-quality solutions.

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